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Our sixth formers attended a day at Stubbers Adventure Centre, where they demonstrated excellent teamwork, kindness, and encouragement towards one another. They participated in a variety of activities, including kayaking, rifle shooting, axe throwing, wall climbing, raft building


Their placements included solicitors, NHS hospitals, engineering companies, roles within the education sector, dentist practices, pharmacies, insurance brokers, Network Rail, banks, tech companies, and many more.


Year 12 students have successfully completed their work experience week, demonstrating commendable effort in securing placements in highly competitive areas. Students have acquired valuable lifelong skills that will significantly enhance their competitive profiles.


A huge thanks goes to Prisca for organising the cultural food stall and to all the students who cooked and baked to make the event so special.Thank you to those who wore clothes representing their cultural heritage.It was a pleasure to celebrate the diversity we have at HSRF.


Culture Day at HRSF was a wonderful celebration of culture, diversity, and inclusion. It was fantastic to see so many of our students wearing their cultural attire and educating others through talks in assembly.


Students have been eagerly preparing for our HSRF Culture Day, a celebration of culture, diversity, and inclusion.This is organised by our Diversity and Inclusion lead, Alicia, with valuable assistance from our student president, Sarah, along with the student leadership team.


This experience sparked many interesting conversations throughout the day, particularly about the abstract ideas behind some of the works. I am excited to see how this exposure will influence the students' personal investigations and the creative work they produce.


This week, our A Level art students visited two prominent London galleries: The National Gallery and The Tate Modern. They had the opportunity to see a vast range of artworks, from the very traditional to the ultra-modern.


Students were given a tour of the grand library and an academic referencing workshop by the university’s librarians. Followed by an undergraduate style lecture by Dr Nicola Abbott, in her specialism, on social psychology and bystanders.


HRSF psychology and sociology students were treated to an academic outreach programme put on by the Institute of Education at University College London.


This week a group of our sixth formers attended an English Literature event at Royal Holloway, University of London.They received keynote lectures on key texts such as Shakespeare’s Othello and were given a tour around the beautiful campus.


Mrs Ward shared her career in politics, including her time working as part of the Foreign Office, and her current work representing local residents in her ward. Students and staff thoroughly enjoyed Mrs Ward's visit and found it insightful to see how local government operates.


On Tuesday 22nd May, Politics students at Harris Rainham Sixth Form received a visit from Mrs Lee Ward, a member of Thurrock Council. Mrs Ward is the councillor for the West Thurrock and South Stifford ward and represents the Labour Party.


HRSF has a Chess Society!Chess is a game of objectivity, concentration and commitment. It has been associated with better educational outcomes, helping students to improve their memory and deepen their focus.If you are interested in joining: Music Room- Thursday Lunch.


Enoch has successfully achieved a place on the In2STEM pathway. This programme offers a blend of online and in-person activities, equipping sixth formers with the skills, knowledge and confidence needed to excel in STEM.


We wanted to acknowledge more fantastic achievements this week. Enoch and Harrison have both been accepted onto different STEM programmes which will support them on their journey towards university and STEM focused careers.


Congratulations to Aliyah who has been accepted onto the Target Bath programme!Target Bath supports students of Black African and Caribbean heritage to gain places at the University of Bath.


Congratulations to Jomi who has been accepted onto the Bright Ideas Medicine Pathway. Jomi has already benefitted from Saturday sessions and will soon be attending a medical summer school at Anglia Ruskin University. What a fantastic opportunity!


We wanted to congratulate Oden who has been invited to attend an Insight Day with Macquarie, a large asset management group. Oden will then have the opportunity to apply for a work placement and a possible financial scholarship for university through the company. Well done!


We wanted to highlight a fantastic achievement from Nimrut, who has been selected to take part in the Sutton Trust US Programme following an application process. Nimrut is one of 100 students who were selected nationally, and we are very proud as a sixth form team.

Careers & UCAS

UCAS and university applicants

We support all our students in gaining the qualifications, skills and experiences to allow them to study at the top universes and compete at the upper most levels. Throughout their sixth form life, all students will work towards building a competitive profile. This is a key factor in preparing for UCAS and future pathways.

Students start preparing and thinking about UCAS at the beginning of Spring Term in Year 12, where they’ll receive assemblies on Oxbridge, Medicine and the UCAS process. Students are encouraged to conduct research into various courses and universities by using the UCAS undergraduate search tool:

Over the spring and summer term, students will meet with their tutors and guild mentors to discuss their preferred subjects and courses of study, as well as possible universities. Support will be ongoing, with various lectures, drop ins and workshops. Students who are part of the guilds will receive specialist support in the university entry test examinations and interview process. When students return in the autumn term as Year 13s, they will meet with their mentor in order to finalise the following:

  • Their personal statement or any application details
  • Their course choice
  • Their university choice - dependent on predicated grades

Deadlines in year 13

  • Late September: all Oxbridge/Medicine candidates have their applications finalised and completed
  • Mid-October: external deadline for all Oxbridge/Medicine applications
  • Late October: students sit Oxbridge and BMAT entrance examinations
  • Autumn 2: all remaining applications are finalised and sent to UCAS
  • Late March: external deadline for all Art and Design applications

Apprenticeships/Employment routes

We fully support students who wish to pursue an employment route such as an apprenticeship. To this end, students are given full careers planning in regards to apprenticeships. Students who wish to pursue this route or are thinking about it, are identified in the initial Year 12 careers talk. A member of the careers team facilitates this.


We recognise the huge importance of preparing students to manage their further education and career path throughout adult life and the positive impact this may have on their life chances. Our students will have every opportunity to make well-informed decisions about their futures. 

We will provide individual support and guidance alongside a comprehensive programme of hearing from and engaging with professionals from a wide sphere of careers and academia. Our programme will allow students to learn about and experience the different pathways open to them once they leave us. Along with the necessary skills, they will also be equipped with the knowledge and understanding they will need to turn their individual dreams and aspirations into a reality.

Through a planned programme of activities linked to careers education, information, advice and guidance, we seek to help all students to take their place as suitably qualified and responsible adults within society. The focus is upon independent and impartial careers guidance to support career and option choices, raising the aspirations and achievement of individual students and equipping them with skills, attitudes, knowledge and understanding as a foundation for managing their lifelong career and learning. We aim to enable students to learn about careers, university, learning and work so that they can manage their own development and make life choices and decisions that will benefit their own wellbeing and contribute to the wellbeing of others. 

We have designed and will deliver a broad, balanced and connected careers and work-related education curriculum that provides students with the range of knowledge and skills that they need so that they are prepared for life in modern Britain. All students receive a rich provision of classroom and extra-curricular activities that develop a range of character attributes, all linked to our personal development and values: curiosity, commitment and compassion.

Our Careers' Leader is Mr Robert Jukes, Assistant Principal (, tel: 01708 552811 ext. 4806)

We measure our success against the Gatsby benchmarks.

The review date for our careers' policy is September 2024.

We will provide the careers and personal development programme through: 

  • The whole curriculum: subject leaders/teachers are encouraged to identify careers links within their subject area, in line with Gatsby Benchmark 4 linking curriculum learning to careers, and contribute to the delivery through their schemes of work, lessons and trips
  • Tutorial programme: all tutors are actively involved in delivering the careers and leadership tutorial programme, this will be delivered during tutor time, three mornings a week
  • Timetabled lessons: elements of subject lessons contribute towards key areas of careers education    
  • Focused events: at strategic times throughout the year events are targeted at relevant students
  • Parent/carer events such as parents’ evenings
  • The student leadership programme 
  • UCAS mentoring: All Year 12 students going into Year 13 are provided with a UCAS mentor who supports students through the UCAS process as well as providing advice regarding post-18 work placements and apprenticeships
  • Our specialist Guilds
  • Our personal development plan and timetabled electives.
  • The Federation and the Harris Experience Advanced: Years 12-13 is a Russell Group application programme providing expert guidance and individually-tailored academic opportunities for our most able sixth formers. The programme is aimed at students who have achieved outstanding grades at GCSE or who prove themselves to be making outstanding academic progress early in Year 12 and maintain this throughout their two years in sixth form

Students will have access to impartial and professional careers advise through the following ways:

  • All students can access a range of impartial, up-to-date careers information through the library and Unifrog
  • Students will be made aware of the National Careers Service contact details and website, and other specialist resources in order that they can access additional independent information
  • There is an emphasis on providing information on the range options, including apprenticeships and other vocational pathways
  • The use of Unifrog (offering further impartiality), a facility that allows students to find the most suitable options for either further education, higher education or apprenticeships. Students will use Unifrog to research different pathways, track skills and competencies and record careers events they have attended 
  • A monthly careers bulletin will be sent to all students with university taster sessions, open days, internship programs and work experience opportunities 
  • The Careers Advisor is available to provide impartial guidance to all students and their parents/carers within the academy and through organised events
  • External careers guidance is provided via trips and visits, mentoring, websites and telephone helplines, employer and FE/HE visitors to the sixth form