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Our sixth formers attended a day at Stubbers Adventure Centre, where they demonstrated excellent teamwork, kindness, and encouragement towards one another. They participated in a variety of activities, including kayaking, rifle shooting, axe throwing, wall climbing, raft building


Year 12 students have successfully completed their work experience week, demonstrating commendable effort in securing placements in highly competitive areas. Students have acquired valuable lifelong skills that will significantly enhance their competitive profiles.


A huge thanks goes to Prisca for organising the cultural food stall and to all the students who cooked and baked to make the event so special.Thank you to those who wore clothes representing their cultural heritage.It was a pleasure to celebrate the diversity we have at HSRF.


Culture Day at HRSF was a wonderful celebration of culture, diversity, and inclusion. It was fantastic to see so many of our students wearing their cultural attire and educating others through talks in assembly.


Students have been eagerly preparing for our HSRF Culture Day, a celebration of culture, diversity, and inclusion.This is organised by our Diversity and Inclusion lead, Alicia, with valuable assistance from our student president, Sarah, along with the student leadership team.


This week, our A Level art students visited two prominent London galleries: The National Gallery and The Tate Modern. They had the opportunity to see a vast range of artworks, from the very traditional to the ultra-modern.


HRSF psychology and sociology students were treated to an academic outreach programme put on by the Institute of Education at University College London.


This week a group of our sixth formers attended an English Literature event at Royal Holloway, University of London.They received keynote lectures on key texts such as Shakespeare’s Othello and were given a tour around the beautiful campus.


On Tuesday 22nd May, Politics students at Harris Rainham Sixth Form received a visit from Mrs Lee Ward, a member of Thurrock Council. Mrs Ward is the councillor for the West Thurrock and South Stifford ward and represents the Labour Party.


HRSF has a Chess Society!Chess is a game of objectivity, concentration and commitment. It has been associated with better educational outcomes, helping students to improve their memory and deepen their focus.If you are interested in joining: Music Room- Thursday Lunch.


We wanted to acknowledge more fantastic achievements this week. Enoch and Harrison have both been accepted onto different STEM programmes which will support them on their journey towards university and STEM focused careers.


Congratulations to Aliyah who has been accepted onto the Target Bath programme!Target Bath supports students of Black African and Caribbean heritage to gain places at the University of Bath.


Congratulations to Jomi who has been accepted onto the Bright Ideas Medicine Pathway. Jomi has already benefitted from Saturday sessions and will soon be attending a medical summer school at Anglia Ruskin University. What a fantastic opportunity!


We wanted to congratulate Oden who has been invited to attend an Insight Day with Macquarie, a large asset management group. Oden will then have the opportunity to apply for a work placement and a possible financial scholarship for university through the company. Well done!


We wanted to highlight a fantastic achievement from Nimrut, who has been selected to take part in the Sutton Trust US Programme following an application process. Nimrut is one of 100 students who were selected nationally, and we are very proud as a sixth form team.


A huge well done to our year 12 HRSF basketball team! This was our first ever competitive basketball game and the boys represented HSRF incredibly well. We are so proud of them and can’t wait for their next game!


We look forward to welcoming our year 12 sixth form students into our new building in April! Please check out our website to see the progress over the last year.


This event raised £238.14 today, all proceeds will go towards supporting the charity ‘Choose Love’. This charity provides humanitarian aid to, and advocacy for, refugees around the world. Thank you to all sixth formers, HAR students and staff who have supported today!


A huge thank you to Shafkat who organised the event, with help from Mahum, Paige, Beatriz, Rihanna and Ayman who brought in homemade food and volunteered on the stall. A special mention to Mahum and our HAR helpers who created intricate Henna designs!


Our student-led Islamic society and our MAAC society (Middle Eastern, Asian, African, and Caribbean) have worked together to put on an event to celebrate Ramadan.

Co-Curriculum and Character Curriculum

Harris rainham sixth form consultation booklet page 07 image 0001Alongside our academic curriculum, we will provide opportunities, experiences and events for our students through our co-curriculum and character curriculum.  

We expect our students to immerse themselves in a co-curriculum. This will support learners in becoming scholarly in attitude, conduct and ambition, who genuinely love learning.

  • Expert careers advice and pathways to enable students to compete for university places at the highest levels: mentoring, Oxbridge/Russell group pathways, entry test preparation classes.
  • Competitive academic guilds, specifically supporting students into the worlds of finance, engineering, law, and medical/dentistry/ veterinary careers.
  • Broader experiences such as university visits and guest speakers.
  • Opportunities for students to engage in the act of learning beyond the curriculum, such as workshops, book clubs and seminars.
  • Opportunities for students to belong to subject societies.

The character curriculum will enable our students to understand more of themselves by facing challenges and taking opportunities to experience leadership, for example:

  • Opportunities for students to develop their character, such as the Duke of Edinburgh scheme, community projects and workshops.
  • A strong tutor programme where current affairs will be explored, questioned, and debated.
  • Contributing to their community by supporting the 11-16 school through academic mentoring and sports coaching and leadership.